Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸

Open on

🌍 Esperantist, educator, and amateur linguist
📚 BA in Persian language and literature
🎙️ Host of Gemini Radio 💁
➡️ gemini://
⚠️ Warning: GoToSocial is currently in alpha; my profile may not be accurate when viewed remotely


Gwenillia :trans_parrot:

I'm a frontend developer who spend my free time doing backend stuff, playing video games, writing, eating food. I just enjoy learning and spending my time. 😌


anarchist, mycophile, chaotic bisexual, he/him, all your bass are belong to us

jeffrey serio

FOSS geek, digital rights advocate, mental illness advocate, caretaker, sysadmin, programmer, RPG enthusiast, coffee lover.

I have schizoaffective disorder (depressive type), OCD, and C-PTSD.


:fedora: :silverblue: :nextcloud: :gnomewhite: :podman: :emacs: :orgmode: :firefoxnew: :android: :golang: :python: :mastodon: :protonmail: :fedi: :neurodiversity: :gnu: :copyleft: :opensource: :open_access:



Drug development chemist, science defender, medical writer. Tolkien and LeGuin fangirl but will read cereal boxes and ketchup bottle labels in absence of other material. Also ❤️ classic rock, words, mythology & lore, clouds, paleoanthropology, and the history of timekeeping.

Ben K.

Follow me at


Hi! I'm Andinus, I like learning.

Vi Grey - ·𐑝𐑲 𐑜𐑮𐑱

Software developer | NES homebrew dev | Obsessed with calendars and tracking the moon (I automatically delete posts after 4 days)

NB | Germanic pagan who tracks the heck out of the moon | Usually craving carbs

Supporter of Declaration 127 and the Declaration of Deeds

Rev. Kellyn Delgado

Just a guy trying to take it easy in a world gone crazy.

Reset Reboot ⏻

De pequeño, me caí en una marmita llena de frikadas y ordenadores.

Somewhere around $HOME.

Hiro 🦥💤

日本生まれ、ペルー育ち、米国で10年越えの ATCK 。
本好き オーディオブック、電子本、ポッドキャスト など。ながらで出来るものほど使ってます。紙媒体頑張りたい。

>直リプ御免! <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄

☎️<(残念ながら空リプにお応えできないことが殆どです。私からの何らかのリアクションをご希望の方は、お気軽に直リプをお願いします。) ピーッ

A person with #INFP and #HSP .
#Reader of things.
Learner of #Emacs .

🇯🇵 fluent
🇺🇲 fluent
🇪🇸🇵🇪 intermediate


Hiro :blahaj:

I'm a #Linux and #Emacs learner. Love 2D games like #CataclysmDDA .
I am
#bilingual 2.5 languages to be exact.
🇯🇵 #Japanese (fluent)
🇺🇲 English (fluent-ish) and
🇪🇸🇵🇪 #Spanish (intermediate)

I would renote (boost) animal pictures like
#cats, #dogs, #birds and more!
This is English main account.

Blåhaj con oreja de gato en llama!!

If you send your follow request, I will check your profile, posts and comments so I can see who you are first.
