Movin' them domains

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

Top tip : don’t do this it’s a pain in the backside.

I’ve put a little work this evening in to moving over my what I now discovered is a huge portolio of domains over to redirect to OH.MG, there is of course some exceptions which I’m going to just port the HTML content over to those hosting accounts.

This was the easy part, the next part is a total ache of the ball variety and I’m not sure how I’m going to accomplish this. It’s to do with the self hosted content, I have to figure out how I can redirect those websites over to the new website at OH.MG, move teh OH.MG gemini content over to the self hosted server (while keeping it on the VPS instance at DreamHost), and then close off the HTTP/S ports on my self hosted server to save a bit of memory.

How this might happen

  • Generate content on the VPS
  • Synchronise with DreamObjects
  • Mount DreamObjects on the self hosted server

What do I achieve here ?

  • I did an elaborate thing for the sake of doing it
  • I don’t have to worry about backups and losing all my content
  • Better reliability on the gemini server
  • More control over the content I own

Plan B

  • Cry

I was lucky that I managed to find OH.MG to be honest, it’s the most hilarious domain I’ve come up with (and it’s a shame O.MG isn’t technically allowed, but I doubt I would have got it tbh). However, I didn’t expect that I’d project myself to tears cleaning up my own mess.